Rope and Anchor Trading Co.

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Stitching on the cut

Can you remember Rona coming to visit me last summer on The Little Boat? She filmed me for her new YouTube show and the episode came out last week. It is a beautiful 10 minute show where we chat about quilting and creating, sewing in small spaces and how we (Mr Perks and I ) ended up on The Cut.

It’s definitely worth a watch and there are lots more episodes to come as she travels around the UK introducing us to lots of quilters, crafters and history.

See this content in the original post

Earlier on in 2023 I had read in a Facebook Group that Rona was coming to visit the UK for a couple of months and travel around, recording and videoing for her new YouTube show that came out in early 2024. So I reached out to Rona, saying “you don’t know me, but would you like to come over and see my little floating studio?” Luckily for me she came back straight away and said yes!

A few weeks before that, I was at Festival of Quilts, at the NEC in Birmingham, and was introduced to Rona, and we suddenly realised who we both were.

I was so excited for her visit, I spent days tidying up The Little Boat, and she arrived on the hottest day of the year. The sun was shining, Rona had scheduled to come over for the morning, and ended up staying all day.

We sat out on the towpath in the deckchairs, under the trees. The dogs were at our feet and we chatted for hour and hours about so many things. Quilting, sewing, crafts, dogs, travelling and our love for Scotland.

Rona on the back of The Little Boat

It was one of my favourite days of the year, and one I will never forget.

I can’t thank Rona enough for making this episode of The Little Boat and my quilting journey. It captures exactly where and who I am right now!

If you liked this episode then head over to Rona’s YouTube channel