Rope and Anchor Trading Co.

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how do you find your group of quilt pattern testers?

Are you a new quilt pattern designer and are wondering how to find your own pattern testers?

I am lucky to have a great group of pattern testers. This has happened over the last 18 months, where I initially put a shout out on my Instagram page for pattern testers. A few quilters came forward, and I suppose I went through a vetting process of sorts. I had a look at their Instagram pages, to see if they would like my style of quilts, I asked them what level of quilter they were and what their availability was to test.

I was looking for quilters of all levels, not just experienced quilters of 20 years. I want my patterns to be accessible to all, so new beginner quilters are great to test my patterns.

Being a new quilt pattern designer I was also a bit nervous, what if they think my patterns don’t work? What if they don’t like them? What if the feedback is brutal? I can assure you none of those things happened.

I set my stall out before sending out my patterns to testers. I designed a feedback form, asking for feedback on layout, grammar, fabric requirements, time management, do the diagram illustrations work? Are my cutting and sewing instructions clear? I am also very clear on timelines and social media - what date do I need to have the feedback forms back by, what can and can not be shared on social media, what hashtags to use and when is the pattern due to be released.

I also ask the testers to share their fabric pulls on their social media as they go along, and little snippets, but not the whole pattern or the pattern name.

I don’t pay my pattern testers, but as a small thank you I send them a copy of the finished pattern, and ask them if they would like one of my other already released patterns.

Their feedback is invaluable to me, and whenever I see their finished quilts or quilt tops I always wish that I had thought of that fabric pull, or that particular colourway.

I post their quilts on my Instagram and pop a picture in my Lookbook, this is a great place for quilters to get inspiration from other quilters.

I now have a great group of testers of different quilting capabilities and strengths. Some are great at picking up on grammar that I have missed, some double and triple check the fabric requirements and cutting instructions and others are great at pulling together different colourways.

Pattern testers now approach me via my website, and I love the fact that people are asking to test for me. If feels like I have come a long way!